Selected Publications
Taking Stakes in the Unknown- Tracing Post-Black Art, Transcript Verlag, 2021
Black Melancholia, Exhibition Brochure, CCS Bard, 2022
Reshaping the Field: Art of the African Diasporas on Display, Afterall, London, 2022
With contributions by a.o. Bridget Cooks, Rick Powell, Cheryl Finley, Monique Scott, Brittany Webb, Derek Conrad Murray, Marlene Smith, Lucy Steeds.
The Flexible Sex. Gender, Happiness and Crisis in the Global Economy Berlin, Oktober 28-30, 2010 Federal Agency of Civic Education (bpb) with contributions by Rosi Braidotti, Clare Hemmings, Heidi Safia Mirza, Juliet Jaques amongs others, Berlin. August 2012
Article in Book
»Post-Post-Black«, in ed. Amelia Jones and Jane Chin Davidson Companion to Contemporary Art in a Global Framework, Wiley, London, Forthcoming 2023
Contribution to »Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Storytellers of Art Histories«, ed. Alpesh Kantilal Patel & Yasmeen Siddiqui, Intellect Ltd., Forthcoming 2022.
»Index Of An Image From The MoMA Education Archive« with Carmen Mörsch, In Mining MoMA Experimental Education, edited by Sara Torres Vega and Wendy Woon, New York, Forthcoming 2020
Contribution to October, “Questionnaire Decolonizing Art History”, MIT Press, Forthcoming 2020
»Todd Gray - Composite Stranger« in Monograph Eucledian Gris Gris, Pomona College Art Museum, Los Ange-
les, Forthcoming 2020
»Curatorial Care« in ed. Steven Henry Madoff Curatorial Activism and the Politics of Shock. Sternberg Press. 2018
»With confidence and persistence« in Leslie Hewitt Monograph, New York: Osmos. 2018
»Everyone has to learn Everything: Emotional Labour« in ed. Elisa Liepsch, German Federal Cultural Foundation and Unrast Publishing. 2018
»The Beautiful Game« Catalogue Text to Hank Willis Thomas Exhibition at Ben Brown Fine Arts London, UK, 2017
»On the persistence to exist« in 'Zanele Muholi: Somnyama Ngonyama, Hail the Dark Lioness' Exhibition Cata- logue, ed. by Renée Mussai, Autograph ABP. 2017
»Outside of the Frame« in Amateur: Wendelien van Oldenborgh, ed.Emily Pethick and Wendelien van Oldenborgh with David Morris ; co-published with If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution, Amsterdam, Sternberg Press; Berlin, 2015. 279-297
»A Time without before and after« in Not now! Now! Chronopolitics, Art&Research, ed. Renate Lorenz Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2014. 25-45
»Des frontières et limites des technologies visuelles« translated for 36 Short Stories in Mélanie Bouteloup (ed.) Anthologie Bétonsalon – Centre d’Art et de Recherche 10 ans,2014 (Bilingual English/French). 193-205.
»Of Borders and Limits of Visual Technologies»in Mobility and Fantasy in Visual Culture. Ed. Lewis Johnson, Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Culture series. London: Routledge. 232-243
»The limits of representability« in Bossing Images Ed. by Antke Engel and Jess Dorrance, NGBK Berlin, 2012, 92- 99
Peer-review Article
»The challenge to conceptualize the multiplicity of multiplicities – Post-Black Art and its intricacies« in Dark Matter Journal Special Issue 2 – Post-racial Imaginaries. December 2012
»Enter and Exit the New Negro – Von Unsichtbaren Sichtbarkeiten « in Feministischen Studien. Special Issue „The Queerness of Things Not Queer “. Ed. Elahe Haschemi, Dietze u. Michaelis,(2/12) December 2012, 212-227
»Response/Contribution« to Huey Copeland, Hal Foster, David Joselit, Pamela M. Lee; A Questionnaire on De- colonization. October 2020; (174): 3–125.
»Das N-Baby und Ihre Puppe Afrika« Theater Magazine- Yale’s Journal of Criticism , Play &Reportage, 2019 »Me pegue se for capaz! « Afterall and Museo de Arte de Sao Paolo, 2019
»Black Performance – Innenschau //und Aushalten« Kunstforum International, 2019
»Ta mig om du kan! « Paletten- Art Journal #312-313, Göteborg 09.11. 2018
»Julia Philips-Kopfkino« Flashart, Artist Profile. 2018
»Alle müssen alles lernen oder: Emotionale Arbeit«, ed. Nanna Lüth in ejournal Art Education Research # 14, s Institute for Art Education, University of Arts Zürich. Forthcoming 2018
»On being present where you wish to disappear« in Eflux Journal,#80 March 2017.
»Post-Post-black?« in Nka-Journal for Contemporary African Art, Duke University Press, Nov. 2016. 80-89
»So it is better to speak- remembering - we were never meant to survive« in Special Issue on Postcoloniality and
Gender in Dutch Journal for Gender Studies, ed. Margriet Fokken, Amsterdam19.1 (Mar 2016): 77-82 »Catch me, if you can!« in Decolonising Museums, ed. L’internationale online. September 2015. 54-63\
Nana Adusei-Poku &Teana Boston-Mammah, »The Brown Bag Lunch« in Beyond Social Magazine-2nd issue on
Education, ed. Iris Schutten, Willem de Kooning Academy, Publishing Station, 2015
»enraciné dans, mais pas limité par - Les black artistes contemporains et l'évolution des conditions de la
représentation« in Histoires afropolitaines de l’art - Multitudes n°53-54, Dec. 2013
»iwishiwas- postcolonial or postblack« in The Living Archive: kulturelle Produktionen und Räume, Aicha Diallo
(ed.), Heinirich Boell Foundation, Berlin. December 2012
»The End of Detox - Visual Myths and Estranged Dualisms« in Le Journal des Laboratoires, Paris, September- December 2012. 38-43 »La fin de la détox –Mythes visuels et dualismes écartés«
in Le Journal des Laboratoires, Paris, September-December 2012. 42-43
»Theorien der Ungleichwertigkeit« in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung April 2012. 47-52